Top 10k strings from Pilgrim's Progress (1984)(The Scripture Union).tzx
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5 scr=scr+10 4 ,o,"Col3v2","" 3 scr=scr-15 2 scr=scr+50 2 ,o,"Ps119v105","" 2 ,o,"Mat7v13-14","" 2 ,o,"Is30v27-28","" 2 ,o,"Heb11","" 2 ,o,"1Thes4v1","" 2 "progress" 2 "Please be more specific": 2 " " 2 " 1 z$="There are locations which you have not visited on this pilgrimage." 1 scr=scr-40 1 scr=scr-30 1 scr=scr-20 1 scr=scr-2 1 scr=scr-10 1 scr=scr+25 1 scr=scr+20 1 scr=scr+100 1 s$="score" 1 s$="restore" 1 s$="SCORE" 1 s$="RESTORE" 1 q$="Your score is " : 1 q$ ; isc ;: 1 q$ ; isc ; : 1 progress 1 pilgrim 1 durn,pitch 1 Your score is F 1 You have left the way to follow worldly wisdom (lk13v3).": 1 W=(((cc-lo)/5 1 There are locations which you have not visited on this pilgrimage. 1 The gate is closed !": 1 The book is obviously a Bible. 1 T$="The book is obviously a Bible. 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 SLOUGH OF DESPOND.",71 1 Patience, you are presented witha bag of gold, will you spend itor give it away ?",156 1 Names MUST be between 1 and 10 letters long. PLEASE TRY AGAIN.T 1 Mr Turnaway. He cannot follow as he is bound by 7 devils & carried off to the pit.",751 1 L(W)=L(W)+1 1 JPH.DAY 1984" 1 Ignorance is following you.": 1 Heavenly City. The shepherds leave after warning you, 'Do not sleep on enchanted ground.'",741 1 E$="Names MUST be between 1 and 10 letters long. PLEASE TRY AGAIN.": 1 Doubting Castle.": 1 DESTRUCTION 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 ,o,"you don't need any help but if you have enjoyed this game, watch out for other SCRIPTURE UNION/ANNO DOMINI productions."," 1 ,o,"ps24v3","" 1 ,o,"lk12v8" 1 ,o,"Rom8v31","" 1 ,o,"Rom7v4-6,Eph6v14","" 1 ,o,"Rom3v10,Mat7v21-22,Rom3v23-26","" 1 ,o,"Rom13v11-14","" 1 ,o,"Rom13v11","" 1 ,o,"Rev22v1-5","" 1 ,o,"Rev21v12-14","" 1 ,o,"Rev21v11","" 1 ,o,"Rev21","" 1 ,o,"Rev20v15","" 1 ,o,"Ps53","The Devils Castle." 1 ,o,"Ps12","" 1 ,o,"Ps119v105-120","" 1 ,o,"Ps119v105-112","" 1 ,o,"Prov7","Wanton." 1 ,o,"Prov6v6","" 1 ,o,"Prov2","The Interpreter." 1 ,o,"Prov15v24","a route to hell !" 1 ,o,"Phil4v11","Discontent." 1 ,o,"Phil3v20","Mr Atheist." 1 ,o,"Phil3v14","" 1 ,o,"Phil3v13","Lot's wife !" 1 ,o,"Mat7v7","" 1 ,o,"Mat6v33","" 1 ,o,"Mat4v11","the man in the picture." 1 ,o,"Mat4v10","" 1 ,o,"Mat3v7-10","something evil." 1 ,o,"Mat28v20","" 1 ,o,"Mat24","" 1 ,o,"Mat22v11-12","" 1 ,o,"Lk6v25","" 1 ,o,"Lk23v26-43","" 1 ,o,"Lk15v10","a narrow escape !" 1 ,o,"Lk11v26","a man who turned away from faith." 1 ,o,"Job33v24","" 1 ,o,"Jn7v37","" 1 ,o,"Jn6v35-37","" 1 ,o,"Jn6v27","" 1 ,o,"Jn14v6","" 1 ,o,"Jn12v23-26","" 1 ,o,"Jn 3v16","" 1 ,o,"Jg7v5","" 1 ,o,"Jer48v6","Goodwill." 1 ,o,"Jas5v13-16","" 1 ,o,"Jas3v17","Ignorance." 1 ,o,"Jas3,1Tim1v6-11","Talkative." 1 ,o,"Jas2v1-8","mr Lovegain." 1 ,o,"Jas1v2-8","Pliable your neighbour." 1 ,o,"Is44v21-22","" 1 ,o,"Is41v10","Timorous & his friend Mistrust." 1 ,o,"Is30v15,2Chr6v24-25,Mk14v40","" 1 ,o,"Is30v15","" 1 ,o,"Is1v18-20","" 1 ,o,"Is12","" 1 ,o,"Heb6v4-6","Backslider - a man trapped by a hard heart." 1 ,o,"Heb3v6","" 1 ,o,"Gen19v17,Ex9v28","" 1 ,o,"Ezek40v4","" 1 ,o,"Eph6v18","" 1 ,o,"Eph6v17","" 1 ,o,"Eph6v16","Apollyon." 1 ,o,"Eph6v11","" 1 ,o,"Eph6v10-20","" 1 ,o,"Eph2v5-8","" 1 ,o,"Ecc7v8","" 1 ,o,"Deut5v32","Worldly-wiseman." 1 ,o,"Deut32v7","" 1 ,o,"Dan6","" 1 ,o,"Col1v28","" 1 ,o,"Acts7v56","" 1 ,o,"Acts7v54-60","" 1 ,o,"Acts7v36-38","" 1 ,o,"Acts20v35","" 1 ,o,"Acts16v16-40","" 1 ,o,"2Tim4v10","Demas." 1 ,o,"2Tim2v23","" 1 ,o,"2Thes3v6","" 1 ,o,"2Sam15v14","" 1 ,o,"2Pet3","Unready - a man not ready forjudgement." 1 ,o,"2Pet2v18-22","" 1 ,o,"2Cor5v7","" 1 ,o,"2Cor1v20","" 1 ,o,"2Cor11v30","" 1 ,o,"1Tim1v3-11","Formalist & his friend Hipocrisy." 1 ,o,"1Thes5","" 1 ,o,"1Cor9v24","" 1 ,o,"1Cor6v9","Adam from the city of DECEIT." 1 ,o,"1Cor1v27","Shame." 1 ,o,"1Cor10v13 or Phil1v21","a choice only you couldmake." 1 ,"Lk 11v9","Evangelist." 1 );"I.N.R.I.": 1 "you are refreshed": 1 "window",h 1 "whipped, cut & burnt at the stake. You are carried off through the clouds ...",581 1 "water",h$ 1 "w","west",h$ 1 "visited by Angels bearing a scroll. To the north a narrow road winds into the distance.",246 1 "victorious after a fight. Apollyon flies away wounded. You are also wounded",451 1 "very thirsty !",306 1 "u","up",h$ 1 "told by Apollyon that aslord of the City of Destruction he claims your allegiance !",431 1 "to choose a verse to explain this. Rom8v37,Heb11",201 1 "to choose a verse to explain this - Mat6v19-24, Mat27v1-11 or Lk15v11-31",171 1 "the cause of a riot amongst the traders because you will not buy. The town's mayor arrives.",541 1 "thanks",h$ 1 "sword",h$ 1 "swim","water",h$ 1 "sweep",h$ 1 "strong","weak","rubbish","shame","foolish",h$ 1 "stopped on the road by a man. He says 'Religion is for those who have weak consciences !'. Your reply ?",486 1 "stopped by the sound of laughter. A man is laughing at you. 'There is no place as you dream of in this world - return with me.'",781 1 "still on the road but the scroll is missing !!!!",336 1 "still in the street, which is strangely deserted. Perhaps the book that was in your bedroom might help !",20 1 "start the tape": 1 "standing outside a smallhut. Through a crack in the dooryou can see smoke rising from a deep pit !. Paths lead to Mount Error & Mount Caution.",696 1 "standing outside a large house. The owner greets you warmly. 'I will show you many things !' He looks friendlyand well informed. A small path leads off into a thicket.",137 1 "standing opposite a trembling man.",216 1 "standing in front of 3 men asleep in the road.",261 1 "stand","stay",h$ 1 "spend","take",h$ 1 "sleep",h$ 1 "shown to a dusty room, empty except for a pail of water& a portrait of a serious man. The Interpreter says 'This man can make you anew (Jn3v1-15'). He then asks you to sweep the floor.",141 1 "shown Acts ch 2. 'This city is about to be destroyed because of its sinfulness. If you will become a pilgrim you will find salvation. See here isa secret way out of the city.' A narrow path stretches north.",41 1 "scroll",h$ 1 "salvation","helmet","spirit","word",h$ 1 "s","south",h$ 1 "run","go",h$ 1 "rom8v37",h$ 1 "return","back",h$ 1 "repent",h$ 1 "reminded by your companion of 1Tim 6v5. Talkativestorms off. Evangelist appears. 'There are many dangers ahead,' he says, 'but ... 1Pt1v3-12. Askone question.'",501 1 "quickly pulled inside bya man. 'Hasten from the gate lest you be shot.' The devil's castle is opposite the gate. The road leads east.",131 1 "pride","fall","boast",h$ 1 "poor","favouritism","preference","discrimination","judgement",h$ 1 "pit","jump","in",h$ 1 "patience",h$ 1 "path","word","lamp","light",h$ 1 "passion",h$ 1 "passing through pleasantfields by a river (Ps23). The road is getting narrow. A broad path branches off & follows the river further.",626 1 "outside your house seeking inspiration as to what to do. All exits to the city are barred.",20 1 "outside the town. Behindyou your neighbours shout Stop !Stop ! - they are chasing after you. Remember Lot's wife !",46 1 "outside an iron cage. Inside it is a dejected looking man.",206 1 "outside an imposing and sinister castle. You are drawn towards a dark doorway which is just ajar.",858 1 "outside a lavish palace.The entrance is flanked by two lions ! A path leads off east. The signpost says SHORT-CUT.",347 1 "outside a gateway. Armedsoldiers stand guard, preventingyou from entering.",191 1 "out","door",h$ 1 "onward","forward","continue",h$ 1 "on trial, before Judge Hate-good. The witnesses for the prosecution are Envy, Superstition, Fame-Hungry & Pickthank. 'You ruin our trade by your faith. What do you say in your defence ?'",551 1 "on the road heading east. But here is an ancient monument of a woman. It is inscribed Gen19v26.",618 1 "on enchanted ground. You are very sleepy.",791 1 "on a path. It is easy onthe feet. Nightfall is fast approaching. Ahead of you Vain-confidence slips & falls into a deep pit.",636 1 "offered power. Do you wish to buy it ?",536 1 "offered luxuries. Do youwish to buy them ?",536 1 "offered lucky charms. Do you wish to buy them ?",536 1 "offered fame. do you wish to buy it ?",536 1 "now joined by someone who seems to have all the answers, but you are uneasy about him.",491 1 "near the HILL OF DIFFICULTY. A man greets you & asks you to live with him & his daugters.",276 1 "n","north",h$ 1 "met on the road by Evangelist. 'I see from your lack of armour that you have notvisited my friend Discretion. You must return to him or you will surely perish. I have warned you before about short cuts.'",864 1 "met by a man who warns you that you are heading toward the Valley of Humiliation & thatyou must return at once !",411 1 "met by a beautiful maiden, she asks you to follow her.",121 1 "met by 2 men who try to detain you in endless argument.",266 1 "mat6v19-24",h$ 1 "lot's wife was turned to salt for looking back. So were you !": 1 "led into a net & become stuck (Prov 29v5).",776 1 "leave","out","away",h$ 1 "lead to a balcony where Piety shows you the Delectable mountains & in the distance the gleam of the Heavenly City.",376 1 "lap","sip",h$ 1 "knock",h$ 1 "kneel","thank",h$ 1 "joined on the road by a man. 'Leave the road & take a short-cut I know.'",86 1 "joined by someone very conceited & certain he knows everything.",746 1 "joined by a companion. You are tempted to boast of yourspeed.",481 1 "joined by a companion & another man who says, 'I always show great respect to a religious man who is rich. What do you think ?'",576 1 "joined by Passion & 1 "inside. Looking down yousee a dark pit from which swirling smoke rises.",726 1 "inside the palace's great hall. Discretion, the master, introduces his family Prudence, Piety & Charity. You talk long into the night about the Lord. Exits are an old oak panelled door or the staircase.",361 1 "in","door",h$ 1 "in the market square of a small town. All worldly delights are sold here. Explore using directions.",511 1 "in the living room. Yourfamily are here. A door leads out onto the street.",26 1 "in the living room wherea splendid meal has been set before you.",16 1 "in the living room chairwhich is getting rather uncomfortable and you are tired and uneasy. The city has been too quiet lately. Perhaps you and your family should get away from here. Your partner suggestsa good rest will clear your mind.",26 1 "in the library, full of books about the Lord, proving Him to be the SON OF GOD. The only exit is through the door." ,381 1 "in the bedroom of your house. Through an open window you can see the city sprawling before you. Stairs lead down.",1 1 "in the armoury. There isa sign which says 'Eph6v10-20'.",401 1 "in the Valley of Humiliation. A dragon appears & throws a dart at you.",421 1 "in the 1 "in prison !",546 1 "in a torture chamber filled with gruesome instrumentsof torture !",691 1 "in a thick forest which lines the hillside opposite the gate.",858 1 "in a shady place and very tired.",316 1 "in a pitch black room. There is a faint smell of sulphur ! Two red eyes are studying you intently.",858 1 "in a dungeon. There is alarge oak door ahead of you. Other chambers lead off to the east, west & south.",651 1 "in a chamber. Through the wall you can here No-faith, the giants wife, say 'Make them destroy themselves.'",686 1 "in a chamber with many old & dusty skulls !",681 1 "in HEAVEN. You are ushered into the presence of theKING, who says 'Well done my good & faithful servant.'",851 1 "in Beulah Land, here the sun shines night & day over beautiful gardens, you now have a clear view of the Heavenly City. These are the King's gardens !",816 1 "ignore","avoid",h$ 1 "hill","refuse","no",h$ 1 "healing",h$ 1 "half way up the hill. A walled road with 'SALVATION' written on it appears just aboveyou.",231 1 "greeted by a man in white robes who says, 'I am going to the Celestial City follow me ...' He goes west but the road continues south.",766 1 "greeted by Enoch, Moses & Elijah, they ask for your scrolls.",841 1 "give","present","show","hand",h$ 1 "futile","tongue","control","boast","teach","worthless","pointless","argument","unsound",h$ 1 "found guilty by unamimous verdict, & sentenced to death. But in their celebrations a door is left unguarded ...",566 1 "followed by Love-gain & three others who talk amongst themselves. They try again to engage you in conversation.",586 1 "follow",h$ 1 "firm","ground",h$ 1 "family",h$ 1 "faith",h$ 1 "fade","rust","labour","perishes","endures","heaven","eternal",h$ 1 "evangelist","man",h$ 1 "escape","flee",h$ 1 "error",h$ 1 "eat","food","meal",h$ 1 "e","east",h$ 1 "drink",h$ 1 "drink","water","come",h$ 1 "directed to a road whichstretches away down the hill. The girls accompany you for someway.",406 1 "d","down",h$ 1 "convinced of great danger (Gen19v12-13 & Is59v1-2).There is a man here who looks helpful. Suddenly it is as if...",36 1 "continue","god","example","good","sin","worldly",h$ 1 "continue","awake","onward","resist",h$ 1 "caution",h$ 1 "caught in a thicket. It seems to be easier to return than continue.",136 1 "caught in a storm.",646 1 "caught by a man who askswhere you are going.",57 1 "bid farewell by the Interpreter. A steep climb is before you.",226 1 "behind the wall. A Serious Man is pouring oil on the fire to keep it alight. Which verse explains this Rev1v12-18, Mat25v1-13, or Acts2v3-4 ?",186 1 "back on your feet. Help says 'Did you not see the sign? you could have avoided this.' A road stretches west.",81 1 "avoid","ignore",h$ 1 "attacked by Apollyon, who shows no mercy !",441 1 "attacked by 3 rogues- Mistrust, Faint-heart & Guilt.",761 1 "attacked again, this time by unseen foes !",466 1 "attack","fight",h$ 1 "at wall, a fire burns brightly, there is a pail of water here, the wall ends a few feet to the east",176 1 "at the top of Mount Error & can see the bones of menwho have turned aside from the Truth & fallen to their death.",721 1 "at the top of Mount Caution & can see men wandering blindly among grave stones. The shepherds explain 'These men are victims of the giant Despair.'",716 1 "at the shady place. The scroll is here. It would not have slipped out of your pocket if you had not been lazy and slept. Prov6v6.",341 1 "at the gates of the City. The King's trumpeters salute you !",836 1 "at the foot of the HILL OF DIFFICULTY where there is a small stream. You sense the presence of an unseen foe but all seems to be quiet.",286 1 "at the foot of a hill & surrounded by violent flames. You fear for your 1 "at the foot of a hill called Lucre. 'Turn aside & I will show you something,' says a man.",611 1 "at the bottom of the hill on which the City stands.",831 1 "at an east-west fork in the road. A sign says 'By faith you are saved.'",56 1 "at a wide river that youmust cross. The glory of the Heavenly City is so bright you cannot look at it with the nakedeye.",821 1 "at a narrow gate in a great wall on the north side of a valley. To the south lies a large castle rising impressivelyout of a thick forest.",102 1 "at a large wooden cross.Your burden falls away ... (Gal2v20) !",236 1 "at a high ridge called Clear. You can just see the gates of the 1 "at Adam's house. He introduces his three buxom daughters. 1Cor6v9.",301 1 "asked by Love-gain & hiscompanions 'What is wrong with being religious to obtain blessing in this life ?'",591 1 "asked 'Have you armour to face the dangers ahead ?'",386 1 "ask","question","?","what","where","why","when","who",h$ 1 "armour",h$ 1 "approached by Ignorance.You ask him, 'Do you know THE LORD ?' He replies 'I have liveda good life.'",811 1 "approached by 2 people & advised to return.",326 1 "almost out of the wilderness, one of you will be martyred, but be encouraged by Rev 2v10 & Acts 14v22, the road continues west ...",506 1 "all","sinned","fallen","blood","grace",h$ 1 "acts6v4-6",h$ 1 "acts2v3-4",h$ 1 "Your wounds are healed.": 1 "Your persistence is rewarded.": 1 "Your fear grows." : 1 "Your family want you to eat something first.": 1 "Your companion asks you to read Romans12 & Galatians5&6 !" 1 "Your burden returns & you are forced to the foot of the cross." : 1 "Your Faith is a key.": 1 "You swim to the other side.": 1 "You see your companion being admitted to Heaven, but you join Ignorance in being thrown out into Hell.": 1 "You move & parry it with your shield.": 1 "You lost it at the Shady place whilst asleep. If you had but had the foresight to repent & return... PLACE A HIGH VALUE ON SALVATION NEXT TIME." 1 "You havent got it !" 1 "You have no scroll !": 1 "You have been badly burnt & are unable to continue. You return to the City of Destruction.": 1 "You go too fast, Ignorance says 'I cannot keep up with you.'": 1 "You follow Wanton but she is tooquick for you.": 1 "You find shelter, but during thenight a giant, Despair, awakens you & takes you to 1 "You fall into a deep sleep from which there is no waking.": 1 "You cannot serve both GOD & money.": 1 "You are rudely awakened & advised to read Prov 20v13.": 1 "You are not alert ! (Judges7v5-7).": 1 "You are in Hell, from which there is no escape !": 1 "You are given a Harp & Crown. You see Ignorance, who has no scroll, being thrown off the hill into Hell.": 1 "You are beaten by the mob." 1 "You are ";c$ 1 "Wind the saving tape on to a free space. What do you want to call this position ?": 1 "Who to ?": 1 "What name is the name of the position you wish to restore ?": 1 "There is an old book here." 1 "There is a burden on your back." 1 "The storm is getting worse !": 1 "The room is made clean. This shows the contrast between dry legalism and the grace of God cleansing you by baptism. (Acts22v16 & Jn7v37-39).": 1 "The lions are chained !!": 1 "The gate creaks open ...": 1 "The flames are growing stronger.If you remain obstinate they will destroy you !": 1 "The fire burns brighter.": 1 "The dust has settled !": 1 "The door is locked": 1 "The argument continues ...": 1 "That's the end of the pilgrimagefor you... you scored " ; isc ;: 1 "That wasn't very clever. You gotoff lightly with 2 broken legs and a dislocated shoulder. Aftera long convalescence......": 1 "That was just what you needed. After a heavy meal ....": 1 "That was ";M$: 1 "Sorry you died before you found the answer....": 1 "RUN & don't look back.": 1 "Ps66v12,Acts8v26-40": 1 "Press ENTER to play again": 1 "Pliable has struggled out & goeshome shaking his fist at you.": 1 "Patience puts it back on the floor.": 1 "Mat6v19-21!": 1 "Mat13v40-42,Mat24v42-44": 1 "Ignorance who has been rowed over the river by Vain-hope, a ferryman, joins you.": 1 "Ignorance says 'You are too fast for me. I can't keep up" 1 "I'm sorry I don't understand." : 1 "Heb3v7-19" : 1 "He gathers it gleefully & runs off. He soon returns pennyless." : 1 "Great Grace frightens them off.": 1 "Forgive me for interrupting but I feel it my duty to point out that someone doesn't like you and is shooting arrows at you.": 1 "For your instruction 2Tim4v10 !": 1 "Evangelist points to the road stretching west. 'There are no short-cuts to the Kingdom of God, my friend.'": 1 "Boasting of your speed you stumble (Prov29v23) !" 1 "Behind you Love-gain & his companions disappear from the way, never to be seen again !": 1 "As you sweep the dust rises & begins to choke you !": 1 "Are you serious ?": 1 "An angelic voice whispers 'Have you gazed on the wonderous crosswhere upon your burdens were placed ?'" 1 "An Angel appears & tells you to read 2Cor11v13-14. He sets you back on your feet.": 1 "After erecting a warning you continue on to the Delectable Mountains. Here you meet four shepherds - Knowledge, Experience,Watchful & Sincere." 1 "Admit Christian - a pilgrim to the HOLY CITY, whose sins I have forgiven."; 1 "Adam curses you as you leave. A little way off from the hill you are caught by a man who reprimands you. Evangelist appears 'That man was Moses whois most severe to those who givein to temptation.'" : 1 "A suit of armour materialises onyour body.": 1 "A soldier stops you. 'Don't you realise there's a curfew on ? This city is under seige.' He hurries away.": 1 "2pet3",h$ 1 " Loading Program please wait " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 !. Evangelist appears !" 1 PRESS ENTER KEY" 1 JPH Day 1984 1 J.P.H.DAY 1984 1 J.P.H. Day 1984" 1 J.P.H. DAY 1984 1 DO NOT STOP TAPE 1 Certain verses have been underlined by someone in the past, & the front page bears this legend 'Regular reading of the scriptures will help you onyour path 2Tim3v16'." 1 Certain verses have been underlined by someone in the past, & the front page bears this legend 'Regular reading of the scriptures will help you onyour path 2Tim3v16'.